Artificial Intelligence is coming and there is no stopping it The birth of artificial intelligence (AI) is a story of how mankind was able to harness the power of computers. Today, thanks to this technology, we can use our smartphones as GPS navigators and search engines and even talk to our computers like they’re human beings.…
Photo from Unsplash by Austin Chan This needs to be said; we are living in a day and age where we have no creativity, no originality, we are living in a day and age where creatives are being rejected if they do not spew the same propaganda. Its is usually, same story, different character, and…
Photo from Unsplash by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona Despite the fast paced changes of society in recent years, that can be seen as both negative and positive; there is something to be excited about: the race to space. For years, the space industry has been focused on researching and understanding different galaxies beyond our universe. However,…
Photo from Unsplash by Toa Heftiba Due to my utter neglect of my website and turning 25, I will start off my new year going around the Earth with the lessons that I have learned (again you don’t have to take my advice, do whatever you want, I am just some chick on the internet)…
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash Can artificial intelligence be the next leading advancement for those with disabilities? In the year 2021, the world has progressed to help accommodate those who operate in a nuerodiverse manner in society. In fact, progress still continues to this day to help improve their lives from therapy to advanced…
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash Have you ever gotten clammy, nervous, or felt your heart race when you were in your Spanish or French class? Most of us have been there. This feeling is called xenoglossophobia (zen-o-glos-o-phobia), this is a situation specific anxiety whenever someone has to communicate in a language different from…